Inclusion is for everyone
One by One’s mission is to provide physical and social mobility for low-income families with children with physical, motor or neurological disabilities.
We achieve our goals through the donation of wheelchairs, basic food baskets, diapers and milk as well as courses in education, sustainability, and entrepreneurship.
Mobility & Inclusion
Mobility & Inclusion
The wheelchair is the first step for the physical and social mobility of our children
Stimulation and Art
Literacy & Mathematics
Exponential Education
Exponential Education
The Exponential Education Project aims to provide preparation for the job market
Training mothers and family members of children with disabilities to transform their skills into businesses to generate income
One by One Recycling Campaign
With your help, the recycling of plastic caps and aluminium seals becomes wheelchairs adapted for special children! One by One believes in circular hope: sustainability of the environment generates mobility and happiness for our families. From seal to seal, a wheelchair makes a child happier.